The project is officially greenlit by the original creator, and I have the support of the current maintainer of the BYOND version. Things are looking pretty good so far, let's hope it continues.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
CQX Progress Update.
The project is officially greenlit by the original creator, and I have the support of the current maintainer of the BYOND version. Things are looking pretty good so far, let's hope it continues.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Network Framework up and going
Currently Joining a server, toggling ReadyState, and multiple users mulling about on a map are implemented.
Need better handling of Client Disconnects (Should attempt to immediately reconnect once or twice before dropping altogether), as well as Drop In support (Join while a game is running). Perhaps more importantly, there needs to be some actual GAME (No monsters spawn, or anything like that yet). There's no prediction or interpolation, so it'll be pretty susceptible to lag, and in general, there's a lot to do. But hey, Progress!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
New Project!
Still in the early stages of development, but progressing nicely. Currently the Networking code is under the lens. More updates as I have em!
Monday, June 20, 2011
A quick post to show a video!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
It's starting to look like a game!
For one, I started porting Alpha Blasters over to XNA 4. Most of the immediate compile errors have been cleaned up, but the storage framework seems to have changed completely, requiring a rewrite of the save system. Another time perhaps.
I've also been working on the current project (Which I've codenamed "project 0" for no good reason). I've gotten some art from the artist, and it's looking swell. Have a handful of new dirt tiles to use, so I built the framework to build the terrain by randomly placing them, works and looks great =D. I've also gotten the first pass and basic game state management wired up with some help from the XNA samples over at the App Hub. I also finally got around to wiring up XACT. I have a few songs for use, and some first pass SFX as well. The game mode system is more or less setup, and kills/deaths/respawn has been implemented.
There's still a lot more code to write, and a lot more assets to be built, but it is starting to take a basic shape. I'll be putting together a video soon but, for now, here's a screenshot:
P.S: This also still works flawlessly on Xbox 360 (Better even, as player 1 & 2 can both play).
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Progress update!
I've started, and progressed a good ways toward, building a GameManager to handle all of the Specific game rules (e.g. time limits, kill limits, how many players etc...) as well as handle drawing the game and it's UI objects. It's mostly functioning at its basest level but there's still plenty left to do. Bullets now collide (and do damage to) other entities (not just dirt). There's a rough lifebar and rougher still UI block. The zooming camera has been fine tuned and now works brilliantly. There's also been some heavy code re-factoring (basically pulling out a bunch of junk placeholder code and replacing it with more functioning stuff where it actually needs to go).
More updates to come as I have them. For now, I leave you with a new ScreenShot!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
New Video!
here's the new vid, Be sure to watch it full screen at 720!
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Still a long way to go but progress is happening!
Here's a video!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Physics problem getting close!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
2d Physics are hard.
More to come.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Random updates.
On that note I have a small side project used as a testing bed for learning that piece, more on that later.
The main project is progressing, if slowly. Got tunnel shadows implemented with remarkably little work, and it looks pretty good too.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
GameSpy Technology And XNA?
So this begs the question, can we XNA developers make use of this techology for our windows projects and, if so, how many hoops would we have to jump through to get the C libraries working in our managed C#?
A thing to ponder on certainly. I plan to dig into this mystery here soon and will report back any progress.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Back in Business!
Heh, so I forgot it again. Shocker. This time however I plan to be more active as I'm actively working on CODING a game, rather than trying to design one (Which was the case with the aforementioned RPG project.)
So let's take a second to get things up to speed since he last post. First and foremost: I finished Alpha Blasters and have released it to the world! (Go! download it/rate it/buy it etc...). It took until December 1 to do it, but I'm happy with how it turned out.
Next, the RPG project has been shelved. Couple of reasons behind this include lack of time/interest from the team members, and XNA 4 being released and ruining my map code pretty severely (Hard to draw a map if I can't load the data anymore).
And finally, more good news; I have a new project currently in development and coming along nicely. It's not named yet, and all art is currently placeholder while I work on getting the pieces functional. The core concept is pulled from an old windows game with a fairly large cult following. You may have heard of it: Liero (If you haven't, GO GET IT NOW!).
Great progress has been made in the map system already, and it more or less works (needs some tweaking still, but it functions enough to move on to other pieces), The goal is to get it into DBP 2011. We should have enough time to have it ready for that, but we plan to finish even if we miss the deadline. Anyway, feast your eyes on these early screenshots.